Sunday, September 27, 2009

I leave tomorrow for practicum to Lao.

I'm afraid. I'm afraid. I'm afraid.

oh G-d, I'm so afraid.

I've realized that I really am influenced by the emotions other people are feeling around me. Something in me always feels like it's my fault.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

It used to be that the only thing I was good at was writing and photography.
It seems now I'm no good at either.


-photos from nong tong village on flickr-

I transferred to North Park with one conviction- to learn about poverty. Since my time there, I've learned about racism, feminism, but not global poverty.
I gave up photography- being behind it made me feel distant, and separate, and like I was stealing from someone. I spent a lot of time questioning what good it did- the only people who're interested in photography of development already have seen the best. To them- a photo's just a photo. For everyone else in the western world- they spend most of their days distracted by their lives, and if they really wanted to know what was going on- it's just a few clicks away. A photo's just a photo to them too.

I get scared when I realize that this is still the only thing I'm "good" at. One- because I'm not that good, two- because photography and journalism don't matter anymore.

.... I gave it all up for this education I wanted at North Park- and I still didn't learn what I wanted to learn.

A friend of mine takes beautiful photographs- so beautiful that I kept thinking one of them was done by a professional photographer. She just has a natural eye.

In all this time, in all my trying- I can't do what she does.

But here I am- a week away from an advertising practicum. Going back to this thing I spent years of my life slaving for and then spent the last 2 years trying to forget- I don't have an idea what I'm doing.

Friday, September 18, 2009

The only thing I feel is that I should be better than this.

better driven, a better student, a less selfish friend.

And anger. Because I know- that all I can give is my best, and I can't do that if I spend my days moping.

I just need to get the fuck over this.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

still alive

Hi everyone.

I'm still alive. I have lots of papers, and will be writing about the affect of tourism for them all. They're due the 25th. I don't really have enough time.

I'm going to Laos for my practicum... to create promotional brochures for a bi-vocational school. With Laos for the practicum, and Vietnam after the program- I just need to get to Cambodia and I'll have visited the entire Mekong Region. Pretty sweet.

I don't really know what it is- but my back is starting to hurt.