Thursday, April 2, 2009

conducive to creativity.

I found a new way of writing papers.
It's so exciting that I've been so focused I had to blog about it.

So here are a few pictures.

^what the corner of the room looks like.

That's butcher paper from my friend upstairs, colored markers i bought at the beginning of the year, and packaging tape.

I have a really hard time sitting down and writing out my papers. I'm always getting up and sitting down, getting up and sitting down. I just can't seem to organize my thoughts. So, as I was in an up moment, I stood by my window and remembered that scene from A Beautiful Mind where Russell Crowe is scribbling furiously into the glass window panes. I thought to myself, Huh, I wonder if I can do that with dry erase markers.... too bad I don't have-

And then I remembered my neighbors giant roll of butcher paper, which he said he never really used.

So, I finagled it. And it has kind of revolutionized my life. I actually have an hefty outline and a thesis. Uh-mazing.

In the process, I also rediscovered Copeland from my high school days... and I find myself sketching.

and this one inspired by Rives poem, "Compliment"

I feel very good. But now, I want my bed.

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